Friday, April 30, 2010

The Glenn Beck Reality Show

Flipping through the channels at work, I like to drop in on my favorite reality show network, Fox News. I especially try to get in on Beck, as he never fails to entertain. Last night was no exception. Though I was only able to catch a small part of it, I took it that the main 'focus' of his show that night was the financial reform legislation. He was explaining how, as we all know of course, that Wall Street and the govenrment are exactly the same and for his nightly visual aid (he always uses the ever lovable blackboard but sometimes adds in other stimuli when that 2D prop fails to convey the weighty issues he's so delicately explaining) consisted of a film clip from the "Oceans 1x" movie franchise, in which the criminal gang fakes being the authorities and when the casino calls the cops they intercept the call and respond as fake policemen to their own robbery. Which, of course, was the same as the feds responding to the financial crises.

I only have one question; Does Glenn Beck really think that his audience is that stupid, or does he know they are?