Sunday, September 13, 2009

Glenn Beck wants to save 'white culture'

"This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture," Beck said. "I don't know what it is."
The white culture? What the fuck even is 'white culture?' There is no such thing as white culture in this fucking country! There is European culture. There is Asian culture. There is African culture. What do these things all have in common? They're fucking continents! That is where our culture comes from, a people, not a fucking race.

I'll tell you what 'white culture is; it's all the cultures in all the world we've by equal parts stolen, suppressed, co-opted, integrated, welcomed, celebrated and copied as our own.

White culture is American culture, it's African culture, European culture in all its varied forms, Asian culture, popular culture, world culture, hell we even invented fucking Kwanzaa! We just made up a new holiday just to give the blacks something of their own. I know white people didn't make it up, but Americans did.

American culture is a sponge, we soak the rest of the world up into our own. That's a plus, not a negative. People like Beck and the tea party assholes, the people that hate Obama because he's Obama, they're the ones that don't like American culture. They want it to stagnate and atrophy, they want it to stand still.

America don't work like that, bitches. Get used to it, or get the fuck out. Head over the France, they lock their minorities up outside the city limits in slums. They make an official language. They ban the use of foreign languages in the government and media. They even mandate French be used primarily on French web sites. They banned the Burka.

That's how twisted this shit is when these so-called Americans have more in common with France than they do with their own country.