Thursday, October 05, 2006

How the US will bail from Iraq

Conservative pundits are laying the ground work right now, with none other than Rush Limbaugh leading the charge. Rice is over in Iraq right now informing them it's coming soon. Don't know if it's Roves promised 'October surprise' or not, but would be kind of disappointed if it were, as it's just so blatant.

The Republicans will dust off that old canard of "tough love" and apply it to Iraq. Rush the other day said, to the effect, that we should pull back.., I mean redeploy along Iraqs borders to seal the borders (like we should have done three years ago) and then let the Iraqis clean up the mess we made. He used phrasing such as 'stepping up to the plate' and 'taking responsibility,' or some such nonsense.

So the premise will be, the only way the Iraq's can make it is we abandon them and they do it themselves. Tough love, like curring off welfare recipients so they're forced to take care of themselves. No matter there's no jobs, no health coverage, no daycare, no transportation, and no skills.

Similarly, the same applies to Iraq; no matter that the insurgency is better armed, better organized, better trained, or even that the current Iraqi government is filthy with insurgent supporters and terrorist sympathisers, none of that matters. All that matters is the Iraqi people must do it themselves, and the only way for that to happen is for us to leave them to their own devices.

On a completely unrelated note, that will happen right before the coming elections. Nothing more, I'm sure, than a very happy coincedence.

And that's how we will bail from Iraq.