Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There is no "deeper meaning" to the Brown/Massachusetts election

Lets get a few things straight; first, the seat was not held by the Democrats for forty years, it was held by Ted Kennedy for forty years. If someone like, say, Patrick Kennedy had run for the seat, he'd of won and we'd all be talking about the confirmation of Obama's policies, and getting it wrong too, just as we are now.

It was also special election, less than half the registered voters bothered to vote. Special election, as everyone knows, are driven by the most pissed off segment of the voting public. It's coincidence that Kennedy died in the middle of the situation we have now and that it swung to the right as that side is the most pissed off. Doesn't mean they're right, the Democrats were the most pissed off in 2006 and they took back Congress because of it, and then the White House in 2008.

Ad to that, that Coakly sucked ass and Brown kicked ass as a candidate. Coakly ran a shitty campaign, and the people noticed. That Brown was lesser known was far more to his advantage than it was against it. Coakly fucked up and let him define himself and by doing so defined herself, and not in a good way.

Now lets talk about the sate of Massachusetts, where there are more registered independents than there are Democrats and Republican combined. But of the lesser half of major party voters, the Democrats outnumbered the Republicans at least 2-1. But the Democrats alone are outnumbered by more than that against everyone else. The state is more libertarian than it is liberal, and the only reason it's been the "bluest of blue" states so long is that a Kennedy has lived there for so long. The blueness of the state is as much illusion as fact. It's more a turquoise.

And what the hell, let's talk about the fact the state already has MANDATED insurance, you know, they're forced to buy it just as 'Obamacare' would force you. There's a state run insurance exchange! Signed into law by a Republican governor, who then distanced himself from it when he ran for national office, and is now embracing it again like he honestly believes no one is paying attention. Luckily for him, no one on his side is.

So, you have a special election, for a seat held by one person from a true American political dynasty for four decades, two candidates ideally suited to win and lose, respectively, a libertarian state dominated by independents, who also already have state government mandated health care.

And this is a referendum on Obama?

/Que bad Dr. Evil impression; Riiiiight.

This election was about nothing BUT local politics. Certainly there was a side element at play with respects to Obama, as as he is the president and the leader of the Democratic party, who's policies Coakly represented, but to play that off as the deciding factor in this election is beyond stupid, it's willful ignorance at best, blatant bald faced bullshit at worst.

Brown closed the gap in less than a month. We got more than a year of GOP obstructionism in Congress, which is about to get ratcheted up a notch, if thats even possible. A lof can happen, or in this case, not happen in a year. Obama plays it right and this election hurts the GOP in the long run, not help it. All it can do to help them now is to stop the Democrats, not get anything passed on their own. And we all seen what they can do the last time they got ahold of all the marbles. They palmed like Capt. Queeg in the witness stand.

To Republicans this is the second Reich rising from the ashes of the 'permanent majorty' of the Gingrich revolution. I think it's more than hilarious that old Newt is actually publically talking about running in 2012. Maybe them Mayans do know something after all.


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