Thursday, May 15, 2008

The new racism of America

Marie Cocco of the Washington Post has a beautiful OpEd in todays paper. Not that it will matter, or change the discourse of public dialog, but I tip my hat to her, give her a bow, some applause, props and any other accolade I can think of.

For a number of years now I've stated that the new color of racism in America is green. It doesn't s much matter today the color of your skin as it does the color of what's in your wallet, and more importantly how much color is in it.

This is good news, all in all, in a forest fire clearing out the dead wood kind of way, as it takes race out of the equation but ad's the cost of economy based discrimination instead of race based.

But people need something, they need an avenue of derision, they need something to look down on, disparage, and simply just to make fun of, and now that race has been largely taken off the table something had to replace it and that something is what I'm going to call gender based racism.

Yes, I know it doesn't quite fit, but I can't think of a better way to put it after this sad ass Democratic campaign we've had. Only one side has been able to use the biology of the oppoistion candidate to degrade and disparage them. No one has dared to being up Obama's race except in positive ways, how it's going to unite us even as it tears our own party apart. Meanwhile, it's open season on the fact that Hillary is a woman.

In the OpEd, Marie Cocco quotes Radni Rhodes, a liberal radio personality on Air America last I knew, as calling Hillary, and this is a quote mind you, a "big fucking cunt." The reference to her being a woman is pretty clear, as if she were a man it would have probably been a big fucking dick.

Was there outrage?

On the contrary, many people simply nodded in silent agreement.

Now imagine the outrage that would have ensued if someone had said the same of Obama only with reference to his race, maybe calling him Sambo, or better yet something as base and vulgar as Rhodes description of Hillary. You know, something along the lines of N*gger.

See? I can't even bring myself to type it. Will I get censored? Will my post get removed? Would anyone even read this stupid fucking thing? No one reads this shit, but if I posted a rant on Obama's blackness in as crude of terms as people have ranted against Hillary based on her gender, well By God someone would probably notice.

Racism is receding in this country, and that's a good thing. Sadly, people are inherently bastards and something has to replace racism. People simply need something to piss on, and apparently that something is women.

From Hillary "nutcrackers" to the crudest possible comments of her anatomy, it's open season on Hillary's gender. Go ahead, say whatever you want, the media and Democratic leadership have all but issued a statement condoning it with their silence.

Just don't bring up her race.


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