Saturday, November 08, 2008

Gays need to forget any help from other minorities

Backers of the California ban used audio clips of Obama in push style robo-calls saying to the effect of "I believe that a marriage is between a man and a woman." I'm sure you can find a news article on it easy enough.

Many gays made a major miscalculation when they thought they'd get support from blacks claiming some like minded prejudiced history between them. Not only did a lot of black leaders not agree with that but many of them took straight up offense at the mere suggestion.

I can't presume to speak for gay people but IMO they got too pushy. Not because they're pushy, personally I think anyone should be able to marry anyone else, but with all the responsibilities and commitments that most straight people don't even feel the need to observe anymore. It's far too easy to both get married and divorced IMO.

But they should have pushed civil unions instead. Especially in California where they should have been smart enough to know that the state as a whole is not as liberal as San Fransisco, and is in fact fairly socially conservative. I blame the gay mayor dude for starting the jump straight to marriage.

A lot of people get married every day in simple court house civil ceremonies. They could have started with that, and should be working for just that on the federal Constitutional level. But forget about marriage, it ain't happening in my lifetime and if they keep pushing it soon enough enough states will have their own constitutional amendment in place to push one into the US Constitution.

30 states already have bans on gay marriage, with another ten or so with some kind of law short of the constitution. It only takes 38 states to adopt a Constitutional amendment.

In the same story, over 70% of black voters supported the ban, as did over half the Latino voters. 53% of white voters opposed the ban. Both major minority groups helped pass the gay marriage ban in California. The gays ain't getting no help from the other minority groups and would do well to completely forget about them and start focusing in civil unions, which they could conceivably push to the federal level at least for benefits and insurance. That's what's called a start. Gay marriage, on the other hand, is what's called a non-starter.


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