Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rachael Ray, Michelle Malkin, Dunkin' Donuts and the Jihad

Just Google 'Michelle Malkin Rachael Ray' and you'll get the picture.

Basically, Rachael Ray, Dunkin' Donuts spokesperson and cooking show host, wore a scarf that apparently, at least to right winger nutbags, looked too suspiciously like a claimed popular scarf worn by Jihadist terrorists the world over, apparently in some secret sign of brotherhood to the holy fucking cause or some shit.
I've been a fan of Dunkin' Donuts for years. Their Munchkins are heaven. Their coffee is better and cheaper than Starbucks. And the company's management has taken a brave and lonely stand in support of immigration enforcement -- refusing to hire illegal aliens and blowing the whistle on applicants with bogus Social Security numbers.

So it was with some dismay that I learned last week that Dunkin' Donuts spokeswoman Rachael Ray, the ubiquitous TV hostess, posed for one of the company's ads in what appeared to be a black-and-white keffiyeh.

The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not so ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities and left-wing icons.
It's a fucking scarf, you breeding cow whore for the cause!!!!!

Oh, but Thank God she's willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because they bother to follow the freaking law and not hire illegal immigrants?

And they pulled the ad.

Personally, it makes me not want to eat their donuts, and while I can't promise to never frequent Dunkin' Donuts again in my lifetime, I mean, a donut is a donut after all, it'll be the last fucking choice on my donut list from now on for bowing to this paranoid isolationist bullshit.

So no one can ever wear a checkered print scarf again unless they are clear and blatant supporters of fucking terrorism?

It's people like Malkin that make me support building wall around the United States. But only certain parts of it, and only where she and others like her are.

Does anyone else agree with this shit? I'm just curious, heh, now that we've banned certain clothing print patterns based on little more than vague guilt by association.

This is how the swastika got a bad name, people. It was around for thousands of freaking years and along comes dumbass Hitler and *Boom!* it's a symbol of fucking evil forever more.

You should read some of the comments in some of the blogs posting her little peon to Dunkin' Donuts. Many of them, far too many for my taste, can barely hold back their obvious thought that she's a blatant supporter of terrorists, that there's no way she could wear the scarf, a checkered print pattern scarf, for any other reason than being a freaking terrorist supporting American hater. I mean, do we want our children buying donuts based on this womans clothing accessories?

The horror, the horror....


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