Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama shames nation by winning Nobel prize.

There is no nice way to say this, and it doesn't warrant a nice way to say it anyway; anyone pissing and moaning about president Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize needs to fuck the fuck off.

I would be as proud of any president winning a Nobel prize, I don't care who the fuck it is. I hate Bush, bad president, worse in modern history, but if he had somehow pulled a Nobel fucking peace prize out of his ass while in office I'd damn sure be just as fucking proud as I am now over Obama.

There are people in this country that are offended by this! They are offended by the president winning a Nobel prize! Who the fuck do they think they are?

A sitting president of the United States wins a Nobel prize, I'm fucking proud. I don't care who it is, how long he's been in office, or what he's done or not done. He's my president, and he won a Nobel prize. That's a proud day for America, you flaming fucking assholes from Hell.

And that's as nice as I can put that, you pricks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like blacks.

7:29 AM  

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