I blame Americans
I've simply come to the point where I blame Americans, all of you, us, me, everybody. What do I blame Americans for? Fucking everything!
It's said that a people get the government they deserve, I used to not believe that, now I view it as irrefutable fact. I just see no way to continue to deny it as fact. I could go into details, but why? Read the news, follow the Bush administration, follow the Iraq war, the economy, everything. Follow a country like China being allowed, nay almost begged to host the fucking Olympics the details are reality all around us all over the globe.
I had no problem with Bush being elected, hey, even I get fooled once in a while, though this was not one of those whiles. I bothered to know what a retard Bush was when he was fucking up Texas. I mean, the man lost money looking for oil in fucking Texas! It taks a special kind of man to achieve that. But I do have some sympathy for Bush, I won't say what kind, but it could only suck really bad to be growing up in the shadow of a man who himself grew up in the shadow of a man that made them both look like pussies.
But I give Bush Sr. his props, the man served his country. He served, and he served in combat. Flying combat planes in WW II isn't like flying them now, that was spooky shit back then and whatever else you can say about George Herbert Walker Bush, one of them isn't the fact that he bailed from his patriotic duties. He served, honorably, and then did everything in his possible power to get his punk ass kid out of serving in the same way. So that kind of negates his service a bit, but not much for me, can't say I wouldn't have done the same, especially since it was almost assuredly that Jr. went to Sr. looking for a way out.
And those were the hopes I had of George W. Bush when he was elected, a quick four years and out the fucking door just like his old man. George W. Bush's rightful place in history should have been as a footnote to his Daddy's footnote to Reagan. That truly is all he deserved.
But for some reason God had different plans. I don't believe God appoints specific people to do specific things at specific points in time, because that would denote a large level of predestination that I'm not prepared to accept from a God that purportedly prizes free will and the fact that we come to Him willingly. Otherwise, He'd just show himself and we'd all worship Him because we'd all know He existed.
But I do believe that He uses people in the position to be used at that point in time. I don't think God used Reagan to fight the Godless Commies with the Pope because he was Reagan. But even I can admit that Reagan's insanity played a role in breaking up the Soviet Union. We broke them fuckers, ain't no denying it.
But then you could argue that God used Clinton to spur some economic growth to help us pay that Cold War bar we wrung up like drunk college kids at an open bar. Yes, I know I said wrung, heh, because we *squeezed* them bastards.
But then if He d id all that, what was the point of the GOP takeover of Congress? I think God decided that they'd become a bit of a pain in His Ass, and decided to show them a little freaking humility Old Testament style, and they might as well convert to Judaism now, because they're going to be wondering the Congressional wilderness for a while. You can only claim you're morally superior for so long before you start to believe your own press, people, come on.
And even if McCain wins, it's still part of His plan, because who do you think is more willing to cross over political lines to get things done? Either Obama or Clinton are both going to be going into office, depending, with an even larger Democratic majority than there is now. There will be no reason to cross over, they can finish their transformation to Republican Lite (Not 'Lite' because they aren't as bad, just because they aren't as good as it. That level of self-righteous morality is generational shit, baby) and completely ignore a large section of the American populace and decidedly shorten the GOP's wilderness trek. And no one wants that.
But even so, maybe the Democrats will find their voice again, or maybe they will continue down the faith based politics path the GOP forged starting with Reagan and confirmed as the new order under the second Bush. Smart money's on the later.
But look to what Bush has left us, and tell us we don't deserve it. We re-elected him, in the middle of a failing war. It wasn't failed yet, but it was clearly going that way, and we re-elected him, with an actual majority of the popular vote this time! We don't even have that the second time!
What, was the prospect of electing a man who actually saw combat in war time (Sorry, serving the the 'champagne squadron' of the Texas ANG keeping the Gulf Coast save from swimming NVC's doesn't count was actually seeing action), the thought of electing someone that might actually *gasp* ask Americans to sacrifice, you know, to actually pay some price of involvement past repeated fucking tax cuts during full scale war, that thought was just to frightening to us that we had to re-elect the man that led us to that horrible prospect in the first place?
Hm, the freedom to get tax cuts during a war that I don't have to even notice we're waging if I don't want to, versus having to pay some level of price, any level at all, for that same freedom.
We get the government we deserve.
Not only that, but I can take the concept even farther and saw we get the media we deserve. People like to blame the media for, I don't know, pretty much sucking all around, and yet there is not one media company I can think of that is not profit based. Can anyone help me out here? Does Fox News operate on a government or prive funding grant of some kind, or do they have to actually make money to operate? Is CNN a devision of NPR? Does the Dora Duke Foundation (NO disrespect to Mrs. Duke intended, please, it's just the only one that popped into my head as I'm writing, don't send me nasty lawyer letters) fund CNN, or do they, also, have to make money to operate?
Our American society is the peak of consumer whorism. It's not even cliche'd anymore, it's fact, it's reality, it's happening, it's now, hip, cool, okay to be greedy. Has been since St. Ronnie graced us with the golden shower trickling down the inside of his leg. But hey, even then we got something out of it, we won the Cold War, right? Russia is a pussy, weak, inconsequential, right? I mean, Bush did look into Putin's soul. And we re-elected him, heh.
Capitalism based social policy is what we increasingly operate under. Tell me Beverly Hills doesn't have better police and fire protection than Burbank. I don't know, just pulling places out of my ass, but that's the point. Law enforcement and basic civil services like fire protection and waste disposal are dependent on how rich the local are you live in is. This is indisputable. And if you agree with it, then you agree that people should be subject to substandard government services and protections, basic services and protections that any government is required to supply to it's citizens, because they are poor. Well, I mean, who would want to have them live next to you, right? They must be poor for a reason, certainly the economy plays no role.
And through this all, through all this shit, all this war, all this being payed off to not sacrifice for our freedom to be paid off, in all of this the biggest fucking political story for a week was Obama's pastor. Certainly the news networks ratings must have plummeted as Informed and Caring Americans tuned out of the tawdry display in record numbers, right? Certainly the Nielson ratings will damn this networks as they deserve, right?
And we re-elected him.
That's me recurring theme by the way, heh.
So who do we blame for Bush's malfeasance and failures? Who do we blame for the media's culpability, if not complicity, in leading us to support those failures, repeatedly? Did the media fail to inform us of the military costs, the loses? Did they fail to report the casualties? Or did the administration, with all but the explicit consent of the American people, simply hide that cost from us in the dead of night? Pun intended, as we did re-elect him.
The government is elected by the people. The media makes money from the people. Consumerism is driven by the people. Wars are supported or denied or ignored by the people. Sadly they only need be fought by a fraction of the people today, however. Loving technology has all but absolved us from our civic duties and patriotic responsibilities.
And finally, and most damningly, the people accepted the pay off tax cuts during war time, a first in all our history, one I'm sure we'll proudly look back on in the future. Not only did we accept the pay off, we bent over and took it in the ass. We didn't even have to, but we did anyway. Maybe that was some small penance for our larger failure, I don't know, that's deeper than I'm prepared to go right now. It's also too much depth and nuance than I'm willing to give the American people.
In my as always humble opinion, the continued lack of outrage or willingness to hold any responsible for any failings of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is simple shame. The American people can't hold anyone responsible for the failing wars Bush is waging, because ultimately they would have to hold themselves responsible, and the longer they put it off the deeper their guilt and shame goes.
And so we focus on the failed veteran care after the failed wars, something both sides can get worked up about, not that either side would hold anyone, again, you know, responsible for those failures either, no one that really matters anyway, because even that little bit of responsibility would drive them dangerously close to whose fault these wars really are.
In a nutshell, a sound bite, a sentence if you will; The Vietnam generation simply will never admit that they not only let another one slip by, but actively supported it. That, they will never do.
Fucking pussies, all of 'em.
If people are tired of the shit, then fucking do something about it. Stop spending money on materialistic crap. Stop owning and driving a fucking car for every licensed drive in your house. Stop thinking it's your divine fucking Constitutional right to have fresh strawberries year 'round. Stop demanding that the only thing that matters to your purchasing is price. Decide what's important to you, for God's sake!
And for fucks sake, stop fucking embarrassing me!
Stop taking tax cuts to pay for a war, stop watching American Idol and Survivor peeping tom style voyeuristic bullshit, you're life probably doesn't suck that much to justify watching shit like that! Turn off Fox and CNN, change the channel when Rush comes on, find some local independent news and get a fucking clue for a change. Stop hanging around only people that fucking agree with you! If everyone was just like you, how boring ass boring would that be? Do you really want conformity on that scale? And yet you live it, don't you?
You know who you are, Americans. *pfft!*
The dumb ass Reverend Jeremiah Wright had it wrong, he couldn't see the forest for the trees because like the rest of America, he is the tree. God isn't damning America, it's people are. We are the driving force, the life's blood of this country. We are the consumers, we are the funding, we pay the taxes, we buy the goods, we create and delete the jobs.
Here's an idea for next Christmas; instead of buying some cheap ass Chinese made plastic crap you know your brat punk whiner of a kid is going to ignore, break or lose in a month, spend a little extra on something made in American and slap a little sense of worth and pride of ownership and responsibility into the little fuckers head.
If you keep buying cheap throw away crap that's all they're going to make! Industry goes where the market is, people, and we are the fucking market! You can either change it, or be a part of it, and as long as you're a part of it, I blame you.
It's said that a people get the government they deserve, I used to not believe that, now I view it as irrefutable fact. I just see no way to continue to deny it as fact. I could go into details, but why? Read the news, follow the Bush administration, follow the Iraq war, the economy, everything. Follow a country like China being allowed, nay almost begged to host the fucking Olympics the details are reality all around us all over the globe.
I had no problem with Bush being elected, hey, even I get fooled once in a while, though this was not one of those whiles. I bothered to know what a retard Bush was when he was fucking up Texas. I mean, the man lost money looking for oil in fucking Texas! It taks a special kind of man to achieve that. But I do have some sympathy for Bush, I won't say what kind, but it could only suck really bad to be growing up in the shadow of a man who himself grew up in the shadow of a man that made them both look like pussies.
But I give Bush Sr. his props, the man served his country. He served, and he served in combat. Flying combat planes in WW II isn't like flying them now, that was spooky shit back then and whatever else you can say about George Herbert Walker Bush, one of them isn't the fact that he bailed from his patriotic duties. He served, honorably, and then did everything in his possible power to get his punk ass kid out of serving in the same way. So that kind of negates his service a bit, but not much for me, can't say I wouldn't have done the same, especially since it was almost assuredly that Jr. went to Sr. looking for a way out.
And those were the hopes I had of George W. Bush when he was elected, a quick four years and out the fucking door just like his old man. George W. Bush's rightful place in history should have been as a footnote to his Daddy's footnote to Reagan. That truly is all he deserved.
But for some reason God had different plans. I don't believe God appoints specific people to do specific things at specific points in time, because that would denote a large level of predestination that I'm not prepared to accept from a God that purportedly prizes free will and the fact that we come to Him willingly. Otherwise, He'd just show himself and we'd all worship Him because we'd all know He existed.
But I do believe that He uses people in the position to be used at that point in time. I don't think God used Reagan to fight the Godless Commies with the Pope because he was Reagan. But even I can admit that Reagan's insanity played a role in breaking up the Soviet Union. We broke them fuckers, ain't no denying it.
But then you could argue that God used Clinton to spur some economic growth to help us pay that Cold War bar we wrung up like drunk college kids at an open bar. Yes, I know I said wrung, heh, because we *squeezed* them bastards.
But then if He d id all that, what was the point of the GOP takeover of Congress? I think God decided that they'd become a bit of a pain in His Ass, and decided to show them a little freaking humility Old Testament style, and they might as well convert to Judaism now, because they're going to be wondering the Congressional wilderness for a while. You can only claim you're morally superior for so long before you start to believe your own press, people, come on.
And even if McCain wins, it's still part of His plan, because who do you think is more willing to cross over political lines to get things done? Either Obama or Clinton are both going to be going into office, depending, with an even larger Democratic majority than there is now. There will be no reason to cross over, they can finish their transformation to Republican Lite (Not 'Lite' because they aren't as bad, just because they aren't as good as it. That level of self-righteous morality is generational shit, baby) and completely ignore a large section of the American populace and decidedly shorten the GOP's wilderness trek. And no one wants that.
But even so, maybe the Democrats will find their voice again, or maybe they will continue down the faith based politics path the GOP forged starting with Reagan and confirmed as the new order under the second Bush. Smart money's on the later.
But look to what Bush has left us, and tell us we don't deserve it. We re-elected him, in the middle of a failing war. It wasn't failed yet, but it was clearly going that way, and we re-elected him, with an actual majority of the popular vote this time! We don't even have that the second time!
What, was the prospect of electing a man who actually saw combat in war time (Sorry, serving the the 'champagne squadron' of the Texas ANG keeping the Gulf Coast save from swimming NVC's doesn't count was actually seeing action), the thought of electing someone that might actually *gasp* ask Americans to sacrifice, you know, to actually pay some price of involvement past repeated fucking tax cuts during full scale war, that thought was just to frightening to us that we had to re-elect the man that led us to that horrible prospect in the first place?
Hm, the freedom to get tax cuts during a war that I don't have to even notice we're waging if I don't want to, versus having to pay some level of price, any level at all, for that same freedom.
We get the government we deserve.
Not only that, but I can take the concept even farther and saw we get the media we deserve. People like to blame the media for, I don't know, pretty much sucking all around, and yet there is not one media company I can think of that is not profit based. Can anyone help me out here? Does Fox News operate on a government or prive funding grant of some kind, or do they have to actually make money to operate? Is CNN a devision of NPR? Does the Dora Duke Foundation (NO disrespect to Mrs. Duke intended, please, it's just the only one that popped into my head as I'm writing, don't send me nasty lawyer letters) fund CNN, or do they, also, have to make money to operate?
Our American society is the peak of consumer whorism. It's not even cliche'd anymore, it's fact, it's reality, it's happening, it's now, hip, cool, okay to be greedy. Has been since St. Ronnie graced us with the golden shower trickling down the inside of his leg. But hey, even then we got something out of it, we won the Cold War, right? Russia is a pussy, weak, inconsequential, right? I mean, Bush did look into Putin's soul. And we re-elected him, heh.
Capitalism based social policy is what we increasingly operate under. Tell me Beverly Hills doesn't have better police and fire protection than Burbank. I don't know, just pulling places out of my ass, but that's the point. Law enforcement and basic civil services like fire protection and waste disposal are dependent on how rich the local are you live in is. This is indisputable. And if you agree with it, then you agree that people should be subject to substandard government services and protections, basic services and protections that any government is required to supply to it's citizens, because they are poor. Well, I mean, who would want to have them live next to you, right? They must be poor for a reason, certainly the economy plays no role.
And through this all, through all this shit, all this war, all this being payed off to not sacrifice for our freedom to be paid off, in all of this the biggest fucking political story for a week was Obama's pastor. Certainly the news networks ratings must have plummeted as Informed and Caring Americans tuned out of the tawdry display in record numbers, right? Certainly the Nielson ratings will damn this networks as they deserve, right?
And we re-elected him.
That's me recurring theme by the way, heh.
So who do we blame for Bush's malfeasance and failures? Who do we blame for the media's culpability, if not complicity, in leading us to support those failures, repeatedly? Did the media fail to inform us of the military costs, the loses? Did they fail to report the casualties? Or did the administration, with all but the explicit consent of the American people, simply hide that cost from us in the dead of night? Pun intended, as we did re-elect him.
The government is elected by the people. The media makes money from the people. Consumerism is driven by the people. Wars are supported or denied or ignored by the people. Sadly they only need be fought by a fraction of the people today, however. Loving technology has all but absolved us from our civic duties and patriotic responsibilities.
And finally, and most damningly, the people accepted the pay off tax cuts during war time, a first in all our history, one I'm sure we'll proudly look back on in the future. Not only did we accept the pay off, we bent over and took it in the ass. We didn't even have to, but we did anyway. Maybe that was some small penance for our larger failure, I don't know, that's deeper than I'm prepared to go right now. It's also too much depth and nuance than I'm willing to give the American people.
In my as always humble opinion, the continued lack of outrage or willingness to hold any responsible for any failings of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is simple shame. The American people can't hold anyone responsible for the failing wars Bush is waging, because ultimately they would have to hold themselves responsible, and the longer they put it off the deeper their guilt and shame goes.
And so we focus on the failed veteran care after the failed wars, something both sides can get worked up about, not that either side would hold anyone, again, you know, responsible for those failures either, no one that really matters anyway, because even that little bit of responsibility would drive them dangerously close to whose fault these wars really are.
In a nutshell, a sound bite, a sentence if you will; The Vietnam generation simply will never admit that they not only let another one slip by, but actively supported it. That, they will never do.
Fucking pussies, all of 'em.
If people are tired of the shit, then fucking do something about it. Stop spending money on materialistic crap. Stop owning and driving a fucking car for every licensed drive in your house. Stop thinking it's your divine fucking Constitutional right to have fresh strawberries year 'round. Stop demanding that the only thing that matters to your purchasing is price. Decide what's important to you, for God's sake!
And for fucks sake, stop fucking embarrassing me!
Stop taking tax cuts to pay for a war, stop watching American Idol and Survivor peeping tom style voyeuristic bullshit, you're life probably doesn't suck that much to justify watching shit like that! Turn off Fox and CNN, change the channel when Rush comes on, find some local independent news and get a fucking clue for a change. Stop hanging around only people that fucking agree with you! If everyone was just like you, how boring ass boring would that be? Do you really want conformity on that scale? And yet you live it, don't you?
You know who you are, Americans. *pfft!*
The dumb ass Reverend Jeremiah Wright had it wrong, he couldn't see the forest for the trees because like the rest of America, he is the tree. God isn't damning America, it's people are. We are the driving force, the life's blood of this country. We are the consumers, we are the funding, we pay the taxes, we buy the goods, we create and delete the jobs.
Here's an idea for next Christmas; instead of buying some cheap ass Chinese made plastic crap you know your brat punk whiner of a kid is going to ignore, break or lose in a month, spend a little extra on something made in American and slap a little sense of worth and pride of ownership and responsibility into the little fuckers head.
If you keep buying cheap throw away crap that's all they're going to make! Industry goes where the market is, people, and we are the fucking market! You can either change it, or be a part of it, and as long as you're a part of it, I blame you.
I think, that you are mistaken.
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I hurry up on job. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.
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