Sunday, June 27, 2010

So now I support illegal immigration?

Okay people, let's get a couple things straight. Just because someone opposes the Arizona immigration law doesn't mean they support illegal immigration. That's stupid, to say the least. What's being lost in the conversation here are the Hispanic people in Arizona that are going to be constantly asked for the ID now, and not just a drivers license. If this was happening to primarily white people, well, it just wouldn't be happening. We pick out Hispanics and Arabs because they're 'other' and easy to point out and focus on. It's easy, and it's lazy. That's what we've come to.

The other thing to remember is that like it or not, immigration is part of foreign policy and the Constitution is crystal clear on the fact that the federal government alone is responsible for foreign policy. This is not opinion. This is a literal reading of the words written in the Constitution. Literalist, textualist, consitutionalist, it's all right there.

The last thing to consider is that Arizona already has sufficient laws on the books to enforce immigration on the state level. If employers were sufficiently afraid of hiring illegals, no illegals would go to Arizona. No job, no illegals. It's that simple. Period. But instead of putting resources into enforcing these existing laws they decided to pass at best a Constitutionally suspect law trying to enforce federal authority they have no authority to enforce. Do you know what they will do with illegals after the new law kicks in? The exact same thing they do now, turn them over to federal immigration authorities. Nothing changes, except the fact that Latino looking people will now be targeted for suspicion on the basis of their ethnicity alone.

This will happen, it's only a matter of how often. It can't be avoided, there will be racial profiling. If someone is white, they won't get asked for the same ID that Latino looking people will. That is based purely on race, people. And what you're saying by supporting this law is that you've decided that it's okay for some people to have their civil rights abused to give you some level of satisfaction. Just as long as it's not your rights being abused.

But then, considering that a majority of people support torture, let alone the fact that the vast majority of us supported our country in its time of need by going shopping and seeing a movie, I can't say that I'm surprised that people now support infringing other people rights and liberties to vaguely "protect" their own.

One last word on fences; they don't just keep people out.


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