Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fear is the new southern strategy

They can't be bigots out in the open anymore, so they try to hide it behind the law. That's why they want their names kept secret, they know they're bigots.

It's going to get worse, far, far worse, before it even starts to get better. And it comes as no surprise to me when America sighed a collective *whew* when Bush told us we needn't serve our country in a time of war, we only needed to spend the tax cut money he was paying us to not fight the war.

Tax cuts during war time!

Jesus Lord Christ but we suck mightily. We have failed on so many levels as a people.

Also, just to toss it out there, Clarence Thomas is a piece of fucking shit. There's simply no nice way to say it. He'll help ruin this country.

To say the second civil war is coming is almost trite today, but it is. Maybe not in my lifetime, as we're going to have to fall so much further than we have to get to the boiling point. It'll be preceded by a 'revolution' form the right, when they come for your guns. And make no mistake, when they come for your guns, they'll be coming from the right. It's the only side with the moral self righteousness to actually try and pull it off. But that will be the spark, and from there it'll be effectively civil war, and in the end, American will emerge far more to the left than we are now.

That's the funny part in all this, and there are a lot of funny parts, is that the right, or fragments of it, are going to be the very ones to push the country over the edge into the socialist abyss they claim to fear so much, even when they willfully stay ignorant of what it is they actually are afraid of.

Hyperbole rules the media, outrage sells, shock value is no longer shocking; it's the norm. It's all over the top, all the time, all emotional, all self righteous causes. Bush wasn't just bad, he was Hitler. Obama isn't just wrong, he's Hitler. How that works out is only explained by the fact that Hitler and the Nazi's are about the only ones we can rag on anymore, because it's certainly impossible otherwise, and in fact are both grossly wrong. Not just wrong, but grossly wrong. As wrong, and just plain stupid, as it is for people to simultaneous claim Obama is a Nazi, a communist and a socialist all at the same time. As wrong as Glenn Beck's Holy Crusade to forever tie progressives with socialism, when in fact the founding fathers themselves were progressives at heart, so there the Federalist Papers they masturbate to, and all just a little bit socialist in their own way.

What's also funny, is that original socialism should fit the modern rights ideals to a tee. It was based on individual merit and the amount you contributed to society. What's even funnier than that, is that no one on the mainstream and fringe right even seems to know that fact.

We continue to use labels that have lost all context in their modern abuse and misuse. Racism for example no longer carries any weight, it's abused and misused so often. Most people are simple bigots, not racists, but no one even knows that racism is based on the genetic superiority or inferiority of the races, not some political ideal. Not even conservative or liberal means what they used to, not even what they meant 30 years ago under Reagan. Conservatives under Reagan were fiscal cons, evangelicals are not fiscally conservative, as they proved so disastrously under Bush. Liberals are also not what they were 30 years ago. Some of the red lipped here might choke on it, but liberals are actually more moderate than they were 30 years ago, even with the so called health care reform, which was barely reform, and cemented a for profit health care system into law. A socialist health care system would be government owned hospitals with government employed staff and nothing else. That would be socialist, you inane twits.

Anyway, excuse my early morning rant, I just got off work, I'm wound up anyway, and reading about Clarence fucking Thomas always pisses me off.


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