If you're going to build a wall
What would it be like?
How tall? How long? How deep? How many people would be manning it? Topped with razor wire? Electrified, maybe? Guard dogs? Armed military patrols? Armed guard towers?
Minus any of these, what's to keep people from just propping up a ladder and climbing over it?
Would you support raising taxes to pay for it? Or should the poor and elderly pay for this too? Maybe we could finaly end Medicaid since Bush fucked it up so much, that should cover it, no?
Just think of all that money we'll be saving from not educating and caring for and healing all those dirty immigrants? Oh, wait, we'll need to round up the one's already here.
So now how do you propose to do that? Round up anywhere from 5 to 15 million people, house them, transport them. Ooh, bet we could use some trains, maybe pack them into some box cars, eh? Pass them through that razor wired gate past them guard dogs and military personel. Think maybe we could get some German Shepards, just for the nostalgia effect?
These actions and ideas in and of themselves are not an issue for me, the fact that the US is the one contemplating implementing them is.
Is America as welcoming light of freedom to the worlds oppressed and hungry done? Is that just quaint nostalgia in todays reality? How do we celebrate our diversity and wall off our borders at the same time?
I hear too many cons on here espouse the tired line of everyone else is doing it, other countries seal their borders, other countries limit their immigration. Would these other countries be 'old Europe'? You know, France, maybe? Are we to act like other countries now, but only in this instance, not like in law or anything that effects us directly? Do we only emulate other countries when it's convenient or self serving?
And the slippert slope arguement os overused by all sides. On one hand, lets say for example, legalizing gay marraiges is a slippery slop that will lead to legalizing sex with babies and animals. But on the other hand, for further example, restricting our liberties and freedoms won't lead to a slippery slope of further restriction.
The left uses this arguement in reverse, too, so I'm not laying exclusive claim on it by the right. But since I'm the one posting, I get to choose the example, heh.
Once you start it's hard to stop, on anything. It's all a slippery slope. But I'd rather slide towards inclusion and diversity than exclusion and atrophy. Who do we limit next? Hell, we're at war with radical Islam, doesn't it make sense to limit access to Arabs?
Oh, right, we already are.
Protesting in America is an old tradition, happening quite often in the heady days of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Industry and corporate interests effectively shut it down by the early 2th, though, with only sporadic outbursts in the last 70 or so years, mostly ineffective and short lived.
But hey, we could al go back to those glory days of slave labor sweat shops where over see'ers beat their workres with whips and locked them into rat trap fire hazard buildings, forcing them to pay for their meals and clothing and shitting themselves rather then going to the bathroom.
Because that's what it was like before all the ethnic protests related to labor in America as aforementioned above.
Republicans need to press their leaders over this issue. Many of you have admited here over and over that you take away the jobs you take away the labor. Heavy enforcement on business's that hire illegals is the only realistic course on decreasing illegal immigration, and it will never happen, because the GOP is very business friendly.
And it's not jsut the GOP, Democrats have local interests as well, but nationaly, it's the GOP that won't slap business like it needs to be. So when will you hold your leaders responsible?
Hey, how about this election? Why not all you all just stay home in protest? Or maybe vote for their other side?
Oh, right, right, I forget, no matter how bad your side is the other side will always, always be worse. So, you keep voting for your side, and you keep getting nothing done about it, and you wonder why.
That's the inherent limitation of morality based politics, you can never, never compromise on your coe issues, no matter how bad they fuck up everything else.
Pissed off at the deficit? Gay marraige! Booga Booga!
Upset over highways and railroads that go nowhere? Terrorists! Booga Booga!
Ticked off over the craptacular Medicaid drug bill? Abortion! Booga Booga!
I've been vocal and consistent on my ability to support certain Republican candidates. I could vote for McCain with no remorse, or Powell, or possibly Warner, and maybe even that Mormon dude, whatisname. Or was that Warner?
Regardless, too many on both sides, and more on the right than the left, simply can't get past their false moral convictions or hatred and disgust of the other side to ever contemplate comrpomising.
And that's why the GOP majority will last a third as long as the last Democrat reign did. In fact, the reason the Democrats lost isn't so much that the Republicans won, it's the Democrats that stopped compromising on issues like gay marraige and abortion. They froze out the moderates, same as the GOP is doing now.
Only the Dems took 40 years or more to do it, the GOP is doing it in less than 20, tops.
But hey, no sweat, hold that line, stay that course, by God don't compromise on my account. Far be it from me to keep you from your destiny.
Oh, right, back to the poll, how would you build a wall?
This is what I get for 'lucid' before I post, I tend to ramble. So read or answer or not, this was more for me than you anyway :D
How tall? How long? How deep? How many people would be manning it? Topped with razor wire? Electrified, maybe? Guard dogs? Armed military patrols? Armed guard towers?
Minus any of these, what's to keep people from just propping up a ladder and climbing over it?
Would you support raising taxes to pay for it? Or should the poor and elderly pay for this too? Maybe we could finaly end Medicaid since Bush fucked it up so much, that should cover it, no?
Just think of all that money we'll be saving from not educating and caring for and healing all those dirty immigrants? Oh, wait, we'll need to round up the one's already here.
So now how do you propose to do that? Round up anywhere from 5 to 15 million people, house them, transport them. Ooh, bet we could use some trains, maybe pack them into some box cars, eh? Pass them through that razor wired gate past them guard dogs and military personel. Think maybe we could get some German Shepards, just for the nostalgia effect?
These actions and ideas in and of themselves are not an issue for me, the fact that the US is the one contemplating implementing them is.
Is America as welcoming light of freedom to the worlds oppressed and hungry done? Is that just quaint nostalgia in todays reality? How do we celebrate our diversity and wall off our borders at the same time?
I hear too many cons on here espouse the tired line of everyone else is doing it, other countries seal their borders, other countries limit their immigration. Would these other countries be 'old Europe'? You know, France, maybe? Are we to act like other countries now, but only in this instance, not like in law or anything that effects us directly? Do we only emulate other countries when it's convenient or self serving?
And the slippert slope arguement os overused by all sides. On one hand, lets say for example, legalizing gay marraiges is a slippery slop that will lead to legalizing sex with babies and animals. But on the other hand, for further example, restricting our liberties and freedoms won't lead to a slippery slope of further restriction.
The left uses this arguement in reverse, too, so I'm not laying exclusive claim on it by the right. But since I'm the one posting, I get to choose the example, heh.
Once you start it's hard to stop, on anything. It's all a slippery slope. But I'd rather slide towards inclusion and diversity than exclusion and atrophy. Who do we limit next? Hell, we're at war with radical Islam, doesn't it make sense to limit access to Arabs?
Oh, right, we already are.
Protesting in America is an old tradition, happening quite often in the heady days of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Industry and corporate interests effectively shut it down by the early 2th, though, with only sporadic outbursts in the last 70 or so years, mostly ineffective and short lived.
But hey, we could al go back to those glory days of slave labor sweat shops where over see'ers beat their workres with whips and locked them into rat trap fire hazard buildings, forcing them to pay for their meals and clothing and shitting themselves rather then going to the bathroom.
Because that's what it was like before all the ethnic protests related to labor in America as aforementioned above.
Republicans need to press their leaders over this issue. Many of you have admited here over and over that you take away the jobs you take away the labor. Heavy enforcement on business's that hire illegals is the only realistic course on decreasing illegal immigration, and it will never happen, because the GOP is very business friendly.
And it's not jsut the GOP, Democrats have local interests as well, but nationaly, it's the GOP that won't slap business like it needs to be. So when will you hold your leaders responsible?
Hey, how about this election? Why not all you all just stay home in protest? Or maybe vote for their other side?
Oh, right, right, I forget, no matter how bad your side is the other side will always, always be worse. So, you keep voting for your side, and you keep getting nothing done about it, and you wonder why.
That's the inherent limitation of morality based politics, you can never, never compromise on your coe issues, no matter how bad they fuck up everything else.
Pissed off at the deficit? Gay marraige! Booga Booga!
Upset over highways and railroads that go nowhere? Terrorists! Booga Booga!
Ticked off over the craptacular Medicaid drug bill? Abortion! Booga Booga!
I've been vocal and consistent on my ability to support certain Republican candidates. I could vote for McCain with no remorse, or Powell, or possibly Warner, and maybe even that Mormon dude, whatisname. Or was that Warner?
Regardless, too many on both sides, and more on the right than the left, simply can't get past their false moral convictions or hatred and disgust of the other side to ever contemplate comrpomising.
And that's why the GOP majority will last a third as long as the last Democrat reign did. In fact, the reason the Democrats lost isn't so much that the Republicans won, it's the Democrats that stopped compromising on issues like gay marraige and abortion. They froze out the moderates, same as the GOP is doing now.
Only the Dems took 40 years or more to do it, the GOP is doing it in less than 20, tops.
But hey, no sweat, hold that line, stay that course, by God don't compromise on my account. Far be it from me to keep you from your destiny.
Oh, right, back to the poll, how would you build a wall?
This is what I get for 'lucid' before I post, I tend to ramble. So read or answer or not, this was more for me than you anyway :D
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall.
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