Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The old axiom was wrong

There was a great quote I don't remember where I read it, but it was relaed to the old US/USSR cold war rivalry, and some KGB officer was making the rounds and he commented to his CIA counterpart about how much respect he had for American 'propoganda', which to him was what our system of commercial advertising was. To paraphrase, he said the difference between the US and the USSR was that the US believed their own propoganda, where as the Russians didn't believe their own.

And I can so see that in America, just not today, but throughout our history. We've only recently entered the cynical stage of nationality, where as Russia has experienced it almost from the begining, heh. The more they knew someone the more the distrusted them almost, where as we trust people explicitly that we've never even met.

I mean, why do people trust Bush? Or Clinton, or any president for that matter. The vast, vast majority of people have never met them, never seen them in person, never saw how they acted in social settings, knew nothing about them except what they were spoon fed by the media.

The American media is not liberal, nor conservative, nor of any specific ideology, other than consumerism. They sell what we'll pay for. We don't buy it, they don't offer it. It's brutaly efficient, sadly.

The old axiom was wrong; you don't get the government you deserve. You get the media you deserve, and by proxy the government they sell you.

The bitch of it is, though, is that they aren't even trying to do it. If there was some nuderlying ideology, some nefarious plot to weaken our spines and loose the ar for the Allies, at least then it would be explainable.

Lacking that, I can only conclude that man is a selfish piece of shit at heart, and that's jsut a drag to have to admit your species sucks nads.


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