Monday, June 06, 2005

Random Bush Rants.

Price of invading Iraq? - $300 Billion US and counting.

Price of occupying Iraq for two years and counting? - 1,600 US military personel and counting.

Price of democracy in Iraq? - Priceless.

Does that seem harsh? And yet that's what we're dealing with. The price is clear, though concentrated into a very small percentaqge of the population. In the end was it, or will it be, worth the price? I'm not qualified to answer that, and I'm not the only one.

Sadly, too many won't understand that last part about not being qualified. By not qualified I mean to say that Iraq has cost me pretty much nothing, not counting indignant outrage at how it all came about. I know a few people that are currently serving in the military, but luckily not on person who is currently serving in Iraq or Afgahnistan. I say luckily, because I'm selfish; I don't like people I know dying before their time or potential. It sucks.


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